Soccer Analysis Software For Mac

In every sport, professional athletes have developed or been taught the optimal kinetic chain that leads to speed, power and consistency. When they practice, they commit these mechanics to their muscle memory. Amateur athletes are also ingraining their practice motions but for most, their movements are not optimal. In both cases, these movements become the athlete's instincts. For better or for worse - practice makes permanent.

Your mechanics set the ceiling on your sports success. Modern research has shown and books like The Talent Code have elaborated on the importance of installing pro mechanics early in athletic endeavors. Studying, understanding and modeling pro mechanics is quite simply one of the most effective ways to improve the performance of any aspiring athlete. develops video analysis hardware and software that helps parents and coaches help their players optimize their mechanics. We help you get better faster.

Improving The Experience For Your Fans Revealing Player Performance Insights! Through compelling graphical visualizations and video analysis, teams, leagues, media rights holders, sponsors and fans can leverage more visually objective, data-driven insight from sport. Paint Paint is a powerful. Live analysis allows you to get ahead of your competition instantly, while you are still playing the game. User-friendly interface helps you to make your analysis as fast as possible ( hotkeys, recording mode, code buttons, coding templates, share analysis ). The tool that has been around the longest is video analysis. Professionals and Olympians have used it since 1955. Early systems used BetaMax players, and coaches literally drew on the TV monitor and erased with alcohol wipes. The advent of digital video and mobile phones as cameras has put video analysis in reach for coaches and players at all.

Get better faster with

1. Record: Capture sports video with your mobile phone, digital camera or PowerChalk Cage.
2. Upload: Upload to your video locker on the secure PowerChalk cloud.
3. Analyze: Use your PC, Mac, Android, or iPhone app to analyze your video. Add voice comments and markup as you compare your video side-by-side to pros.
4. Share: Designate your videos public, unlisted or private and share to players, parents and coaches. Watch videos from any of your devices.

Video enable your web site!

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Elite coaches - Add video analysis to your site including: Registration, video lockers, split-screen analysis, remote lessons, subscription billing and more.
PowerChalk is now available as a WordPress plugin. Power your site with the same technology used by professional teams.
Contact us for details and qualifications.


Click here to sharpen your coaching tools, analyze video from your digital camera or phone, give online lessons or video enable your website.

There's a proliferation of technology in the sports world. Game trackers, launch monitors, 3D sensors and video analysis. They all add value at different parts of a players development and skill level. The tool that has been around the longest is video analysis. Professionals and Olympians have used it since 1955. Early systems used BetaMax players, and coaches literally drew on the TV monitor and erased with alcohol wipes. The advent of digital video and mobile phones as cameras has put video analysis in reach for coaches and players at all levels.

The remaining problem is that not all coaches understand the role of myelination, chunking, deliberate practice and optimal kinetic movement. While many have some experience in these topics, even fewer have scrubbed and annotated video. PowerChalk can help.

We have built a set of online tools that lets you upload, analyze and share your insights with your players. The system also contains a paid lesson system that lets you deliver video analysis sessions and coaching to remote players. The PowerChalk site collects the fees you set and delivers them to you when you complete and post your ChalkTalk analysis video. To get started, simply use the FREE SIGN UP link to grab an account. From there you can upload a video and ChalkTalk it. In fact, when giving a lesson you will ChalkTalk a video you didn't upload.

Like YouTube, all PowerChalk videos are marked Public, Private or Unlisted. The videos made public by their owners can be loaded into the ChalkTalk Telestrator and analyzed. If you save the session it goes into your video locker and becomes your video. It's that easy to get started. If you would like to expand your locker or use the split-screen telestrator, go the Upgrade page and use the promotional code FREEWEEK to upgrade your account to PowerChalk Gold.

That should get you started. From there, let us know how we can help.


You are the most influential and consistent factor in your child's athletic career. Learn what you can do to support your child, your coach and your collective development.

As coaches and parents ourselves, we know how important sports can be in a child's life. Not 'winning and losing' important but 'confidence building, competition tasting, work ethic, learning curve and team building' important. We also know that you will have good coaches and, yes, bad coaches. You are the constant.

Some coaches know the game but not the mechanics. Some know the mechanics but simply can't spend the time needed to develop each player. To help your child develop to the level they aspire and are willing to work towards, you have to get in the game. PowerChalk lets you get on the same page with the coach. We have found that parents who film (because coaches can't be everywhere) and engage with their coaches in a positive manner get the most results. Forming a coach-player-parent triangle and getting everyone on the same page helps you reinforce his/her message. It helps you promote the understanding and execution of drills that lead to pro mechanics. You can get as deep or shallow in the mechanical specifics as you want but there's no better investment that you can make than working in a constructive manner to build your child's skill and confidence.

PowerChalk helps you do that because quite simply mechanics are everything in sports. Pros have different styles but as you get deeper, you will find they all have common mechanics at certain points in their motions. It is these mechanics that you must instill into your players and the sooner the better. With every practice swing, pitch or step, kids coat a brain wire in a process called myelination. That wire gets thicker, the signals to the muscles travel faster and the wire becomes a cable. What seems like instinct in elite athletes is pure physics. The electrons in the brain jump to the fattest wire. Ask Tiger Woods, he was on the Mike Douglas show at three and was already building a pro swing. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. If you practice poor (or even sub-optimal mechanics) it becomes your 'muscle memory' and is very hard to change. The sooner you get on the path to pro mechanics the greater your potential.

Does your coach teach the optimal pro mechanics kinetic chain? How can you tell? Grab a PowerChalk account with the FREE SIGN UP links on this page and start learning. Find videos in the Public video folder marked as ChalkTalk. These are analysis sessions recorded by other coaches. Agree or disagree with their instruction? Either way, you have what's needed to have an informed discussion about your child's progress. It's important that you get in the game and get on the same page with your coach and your child's development.


The more reps you take with sub optimal mechanics, the more you commit that motion to memory. Are you 'grooving' a bad swing that you'll need to unlearn? Click here to find out.

Do you have pro mechanics? Can you describe each link in the kinetic chain of your sports motion? Can you describe why certain body parts fire and why the order and degree is important?

If you can't, you are likely grooving a bad stroke – a pattern you will need to unlearn at some point to get better. Every practice swing or step you take coats a wire in your brain. That wire becomes a cable and the set of cables you build becomes your game. In his book 'The Talent Code', author Daniel Coyle noted that an extraordinary number of pro athletes crossed paths with pro athletes early in their career. For the kids of pros, that day is day one and it explains why so many father-son pairs show up in the big leagues.

For the rest of us, we need to seek out the knowledge and enter a feedback loop that moves our motion towards pro mechanics. That's the good news, the 'wire' is organic. It reshapes itself with each rep. Find your model. Whether its Harper, Trout, Kershaw, Phelps, McIlroy, Spieth, LeBron or Steph, put yourself side-by-side with them, go frame-by-frame and see if there's a difference. Make adjustments and compare again. This feedback loop is the path to pro mechanics and a better game. If you're doing the reps, make them count.

Free Sign Up

Register a free account and start moving towards pro mechanics. The sooner you form a model and start adjusting your movements toward it, the more success and confidence you'll build.


Initial Analysis

PowerChalk powers a network of elite coaches. Many provide an initial analysis for a nominal fee. Click here to get paired with a coach based on your sport, location and level of play.


LongoMatch has helped professionals athletes and teams from around the world

“I use LongoMatch every week to prepare my team. I like to work with it because I can analyze team technics and tactics. I also use the statistics to show the team what we are doing well and what we can improve. Being able to generate clips of one single player is extremely helpful, that way I can send a collection with several plays which we then discuss during our training sessions. Working with LongoMatch gives me a lot of opportunities to improve my teams.”

Herman Kruis

Headcoach Belarus National Ladies Field Hockey Team

“LongoMatch can help not only in improving performance for our teams and players, but it can also to help our coaches become more efficient in their roles. It is a win-win for the long-term development of not only our players, but our coaches, as well.”

Tim Rice

Ireland’s Basketball Elite Performance Committee

“On the C.D Ejido we firmly believe in using video analysis as a tool to optimize efficiency, making players conscious about what really happens during the game. LongoMatch allows us to gather together and organize a big amount of data really useful to work on the team’s improvement, either individual or in group. We achieve this thanks to analyzing our team with the Tag2Win app and other elements, like the rivals, the training sessions…”

Enrique González

Analyst and Coach for C.D. El Ejido

“LongoMatch is one of my most useful tools as a football coach. Working with GKs specifically, its super useful in reviewing positioning, movement, and decision making. During a game, things happen in split seconds and LongoMatch gives me the ability to break down those split seconds into teachable moments. My players have improved twice as much with the introduction of video analysis via LongoMatch. Truly and invaluable tool for coaches.”

Patryk Tenorio


P-10 Football Training

“LongoMatch providing the FEDDF help and assistance to manage our paralympic athletes in a technical-sportive way, will represent an advantage in every single way. We are happy to have the support of a company like Fluendo”.

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Soccer Analysis Software For Mac

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Miguel Ángel García

General Manager of the FEDDF

“LongoMatch has been really helpful for the High Performance Center from LaLiga in Dubai for the development of the team, both individually and collective ways. This tool saves us a lot of time because its practical and easy to work with, especially when using Tag2Win. As an ambassador, I like to talk about the software on my speeches.'

Rafa Gil Sanchez


“Longomatch PRO is essential for my work as a video analyst for the RFEBM. I'll highlight its simplicity and easy functioning, also its power. It allows us to create videos to show our players and staff. LongoMatch, in fact, has been present in all the last achievements of the Handball National team, which permited analyze better the rival teams, as well as improve our performance.”

Jose Luís López Becerra

Video analyst at the RFEBM

“Essential tool for any coach that allows, apart from the analysis, a better content selection, adaptation to the rival, personalized information fromku players, etc. Combining LongoMatch with coach creativity and other tools allows our players to get many more possibilities to optimize their efficiency with our help.”

Enric Soriano

Coach at Levante Ud

“First Female League is currently going through an imminent growth. We believe key factors like an efficient analysis, easy access to actions/events and the reliability we get from the statistics tool of LongoMatch help us increase players’ success and performance.”

Soccer Analysis Software For Mac Computer

José Herrera - @JAngelHerrera

Tactic Analyst, UDF Tenerife (Liga Iberdrola - 1ª División Femenina RFEF)

“Using LongoMatch as a presentation tool saves me a lot of steps and makes the process much more easy.”

Xavi Bravo

Soccer Video Analysis Software Mac


Former Hong Kong FA & FCB Academy Coach.

“LongoMatch helps me get the job done while saving me time to address other aspects of our team’s preparation is just perfect. I love the fact that it enables me to work either on a Mac or on a Windows interface. If I had to chose one of its features as my favourite I would highlight the Presentations tool for all the possibilities it allows, even serving as a database.”

Alexandre Silva

Assistant Coach Portugal National Team U21

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“With the evolution of performance analysis, LongoMatch is an excellent software in support of optimization and work efficiency performed by the observer and game analyst in their day-to-day. It is a very intuitive software, adaptable to each user, according to the sport and the observation and analysis goals”

Ruben Soares

Soccer Analysis Software Mac

Video analysis trainer at Sapienta Sports