Abrt Cli Status Timed Out

Hey guys,

after restoring a complete tar system backup (excluding, /mnt,/run,/proc,/sys,/dev,/tmp,/lost+found) i have run into this problem when trying to login via tty:

  1. 'abrt-cli status' timed out when login to SSH. Ask Question Asked 8 months ago. Viewed 7k times 3. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7. Abrt-cli version 2.1.11. Solution $ sudo rm -rf.cache re-login. Share improve this question follow asked Mar 31 at 21:48. Louise Zhang Louise Zhang. 71 1 1 silver badge 5 5 bronze.
  2. Questions about ABRT, the Automatic Bug-Reporting Tool used to gather information about crashing programs.
  3. Abrt-cli status' timed out. Code: Select all. Iptables -list took forever. Code: Select all. Iptables -n -list is quick. Nslookup on a variety of hosts worked.

Complete journal for boot:

# systemctl list-units -type service -all UNIT LOAD ACTIVE SUB DESCRIPTION abrt-ccpp.service loaded inactive dead Install ABRT coredump hook abrt-oops.service loaded inactive dead ABRT kernel log watcher abrt-vmcore.service loaded inactive dead Harvest vmcores for ABRT abrt-xorg.service loaded inactive dead ABRT Xorg log watcher abrtd.service loaded inactive dead ABRT Automated Bug Reporting. - console-notifications: add timeout - cli-status: use willpythonexception - ccpp-hook: move utility functions to hooklib - ccpp-hook: move /proc/pid/ utils to libreport - abrt-journal: add functions for reading/saving journald state - Do not use 'bool' in OPTBOOL macro: it expects 'int' - daemon: Own a D-Bus name - zanata.

Interesting part:

The systems seems usable (after the login delay) and X seems to start fine (according to the log file) But i only get a black screen when i use startx. Could it be that excluding all the paths
( /mnt,/run,/proc,/sys,/dev,/tmp,/lost+found) was too much? I recreated them with the proper permissions after restoring the backup.(bootable usbstick) I thought nothing of these directories should be in the backup as they are virtual file systems, am i right?

This part causes a massive delay of 16 seconds after hitting enter to login:

Then this happens (Failed to create session and root logs in anyways):

Some more failures afterwards:


i restored a complete system backup of my arch installation. I used this to create the backup:

To restore i reformatted my disk and put the tar archive in the root dir. Then used this command:

and manually created the directores i excluded in the backup command.

My system boots but i get weird delays when trrying to login. I dont use graphical login but tty. I put in my User [ENTER] put in my password [ENTER] then i have 10 seconds delay until i get logged in. When i use startx i just get a black screen. Everything else from the console seems to work though...

Thanks in advance!

Last edited by schnip_schnap (2014-03-02 22:43:09)

Previous versions of CentOS/RedHat Linux use init scripts located in the /etc/rc.d/init directory to start and stop services. In CentOS/RHEL 7, these init scripts have been replaced with systemd service units. Service units have a .service extension. Use the systemctl command as follows to list all loaded service units:

Check status of service with systemd

1. systemd service units correspond to system services. Use the following command to display detailed information about a service unit. This example displays information about the ntpd.service service unit. You can omit the .service extension if you want.

Abrt-cli Status Timed Out

The following information is available for the specified service unit:

  • Loaded: If the service is loaded, the absolute path to the service unit file, and if the service unit is enabled
  • Active: If the service unit is running and a timestamp
  • Main PID: The Process ID of the corresponding system service and the service name
  • Status: Additional information about the corresponding system service
  • Process: Additional information about related processes
  • CGroup: Additional information about related Control Groups

The most recent log entries are displayed if the command is executed by the root user.

You would see the status of the service in green (if running) or in red (if stopped) as shown below.


2. To list the status of all services:

Linux Ssh 'abrt-cli Status' Timed Out

For Example :

You should see the service in disabled mode highlighted with red color and the service in enabled mode highlighted with green color as show below.

Other commands to check the status of service

Use the following command to check whether a service is running (active) or not running (inactive):

Use the following command to check whether a service is enabled or disabled: